2017.09-2022.08 韩国釜山大学 环境工程 博士(硕博连读)
2015.08-2016.05 美国中央阿肯色大学 交换生
2013.09-2017.07 河南理工大学 安全工程 学士
2024.09-至今 72886必赢网页网址 72886必赢欢迎光临 讲师
2022.09-2023.09 韩国釜山大学 社会环境系统工程系 博士后
韩国国家研究基金,新型双放射性核素靶向磷酸盐基吸附剂的合成及其对Cs+ 和Sr2+的去除以及吸附机理的研究,2022.06 - 2025.05,在研,参与。
韩国国家研究基金,通过亚铁氰化物/离子印迹聚合物功能化的金属有机框架(MOFs)的开发及其在选择性吸附铯方面的应用研究,2019.09 - 2022.02,结题,参与。
韩国国家研究基金,蒙脱石-纳米粒子吸附剂对放射性铯(137Cs)和锶(90Sr)的选择性捕获,2017.09 - 2020.05,结题,参与。
Yang, Chenyang, Zeqiu Li, Yong Jae Suh, and Kuk Cho. “Selective Co2+ recovery using MgNa3H(PO4)2 adsorbent from water.” Chemical Engineering Journal (2024): 486.(SCI,中科院一区TOP)
Yang, Chenyang, Yong Jae Suh, and Kuk Cho. “Leaching of Structural Ca2+ Ions from a Chalcogenide Adsorbent by H+ Lifts Cs(I) Uptake.” Journal of Hazardous Materials (2023): 131648.(SCI,中科院一区TOP)
Yang, Chenyang, Yong Jae Suh, and Kuk Cho. “Highly selective cesium removal under acidic and alkaline conditions using a novel potassium aluminum thiostannate.” Chemosphere 301 (2022): 134610.(SCI,中科院二区TOP)
Yang, Chenyang, and Kuk Cho. “Rapid and selective removal of Cs+ from water by layered potassium antimony thiostannate.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 403 (2021): 124105. (SCI,中科院一区TOP)
Li, Zeqiu, Chenyang Yang, and Kuk Cho. “Dittmarite-type magnesium phosphates for highly efficient capture of Cs+.” Journal of Hazardous Materials 453 (2023):131385.(SCI,中科院一区TOP)
Li, Zeqiu, Eleazer L Vivas, Chenyang Yang, Yong Jae Suh, and Kuk Cho. “Layered potassium calcium phosphate with multiple exchangeable cations for Sr(II) and Co(II) removal from water.” Separation and Purification Technology 299 (2022): 121789.(SCI,中科院一区TOP)