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  • 姓名:李虎性别:男
  • 民族:回族出生年月:
  • 职称:讲师职务:无
  • 导师资格:硕导电话:
  • 联系地址:72886必赢网页网址科技楼A505E-mail:lihulzu2016@163.com







2)国家自然科学基金面上项目,21976143, 等离子体氧化去除水中抗性细菌及其携带的抗性基因的效应与机制,2020.01-2023.12,参与。

3)国家自然科学基金青年项目,51608448, 放电等离子体耦合铁屑内电解-沉淀法去除水中重金属络合物的效应和机制,2017.01-2019.12,参与。


[1] Li, H.; Song, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhong, R.; Wang, T.; Jia, H.; Zhu, L., 2021. Environmental free radicals efficiently inhibit the conjugative transfer of antibiotic resistance by altering cellular metabolism and plasmid transfer. Water Research. 209, 117946-117957. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=13.400).

[2] Li, H.; Song, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhong, R.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, J.; Wang, T.; Jia, H.; Zhu, L., 2021. Inhibited conjugative transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in antibiotic resistant bacteria by surface plasma. Water Research. 204, 117630-117640. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=13.400).

[3] Li, H., Jiang, E., Wang, Y., Zhong, R., Zhou, J., Wang, T., Jia, H. and Zhu, L. 2022. Natural organic matters promoted conjugative transfer of antibiotic resistance genes: Underlying mechanisms and model prediction. Environment International. 170, 107653-107653. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=13.352).

[4] Li, H.; Li, T.; He, S.; Zhou, J.; Wang, T.; Zhu, L., 2020. Efficient degradation of antibiotics by non-thermal discharge plasma: Highlight the impacts of molecular structures and degradation pathways. Chemical Engineering Journal. 395, 125091-125098. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=16.744).

[5] Li, H.; Kang, Z.; Jiang, E.; Song, R.; Zhang, Y.; Qu, G.; Wang, T.; Jia, H.; Zhu, L., 2021. Plasma induced efficient removal of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and antibiotic resistance genes, and inhibition of gene transfer by conjugation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 419, 126465-126476. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=14.244).

[6] Li, H.; Song, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhong, R.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, J.; Wang, T.; Zhu, L., 2022. Simultaneous removal of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and its resistance genes in water by plasma oxidation: Highlights the effects of inorganic ions. Separation and Purification Technology. 278, 119672-119681. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=9.136).

[7] Li, H.; Song, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhong, R.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, J.; Wang, T.; Zhu, L., 2022. Insights into DNA structures during antibiotic-resistance genes elimination by mesoporous plasma. ACS ES&T Water. 2, 128-136.

[8] Liu, Y., Li, H., Wang, R., Hu, Q., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., Zhou, J., Qu, G., Wang, T., Jia, H. and Zhu, L. 2022. Underlying mechanisms of promoted formation of haloacetic acids disinfection byproducts after indometacin degradation by non-thermal discharge plasma. Water Research 220. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=13.400).

[9] Zhong, R., Li, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhou, J. and Wang, T. 2023. Removal of antibiotic resistance genes and pathogenicity in effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plant by plasma oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal. 454, 140274. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=16.744).

[10] Wang, Y., Li, H., Li, Y., Guo, H., Zhou, J. and Wang, T. 2023. Metagenomic analysis revealed sources, transmission, and health risk of antibiotic resistance genes in confluence of Fenhe, Weihe, and Yellow Rivers. The Science of the total environment. 858(Pt 2), 159913-159913. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=10.753).

[11] Song, R.; Li, H.; Kang, Z.; Zhong, R.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Qu, G.; Wang, T., 2021. Surface plasma induced elimination of antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli and resistance genes: Antibiotic resistance, horizontal gene transfer, and mechanisms. Separation and Purification Technology. 275, 119185-119195. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=9.136).

[12] Wang, Y., Li, Y., Li, H., Zhou, J. and Wang, T. 2023. Seasonal dissemination of antibiotic resistome from livestock farms to surrounding soil and air: Bacterial hosts and risks for human exposure. Journal of environmental management. 325(Pt B), 116638-116638. (SCI, 2, Top期刊, IF=8.910).

[13] Liu, Y.; Li, Y.; Li, H.; Wang, R.; Zhou, J.; Zhang, Y.; Qu, G.; Wang, T.; Jia, H., 2022. Multiprocess catalyzed Cu-EDTA decomplexation by non-thermal plasma coupled with Fe/C microelectrolysis: Reaction process and mechanisms. Separation and Purification Technology. 280, 119831-119842. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=9.136).

[14] Li, T.; Fan, Y.; Li, H.; Ren, Z.; Kou, L.; Guo, X.; Jia, H.; Wang, T.; Zhu, L., 2021. Excess sludge disintegration by discharge plasma oxidation: Efficiency and underlying mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment. 774, 145127-145136. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=10.753).

[15] Li, T.; Zhang, Y.; Ren, Z.; Cheng, X.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y.; Qu, G.; Wang, T.; Zhu, L., 2021.The fate of heavy metals in excess sludge during disintegration by discharge plasma. Separation and Purification Technology. 277, 119433-119442. (SCI, 1, Top期刊, IF=9.136).








[7]周健,李虎,李晓林,王厚成,金诚,南忠仁*,外源Cd胁迫下施污土壤中重金属的形态特征和土壤酶活性的关系.环境化学,2016, 35(10):2036-2043.

[8]周健,李小琴,李虎,刘冲,王厚成,南忠仁*,外源Cd在施污土壤中的形态变化及生物有效性.干旱区资源与环境,2017, 31(5):192-196.







